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Factory clothing garments workers

Interview – Arisa partner Paradigm Shift on the Factory Support Programme

The Factory Support Programme resumed in 2023 with Paradigm Shift as Arisa’s implementing partner in Tamil Nadu and the National Capital Region, India. The programme…
kinderarbeid child labour

Interview – Venkat Reddy (National Convenor at MV Foundation, India) on the Area Based Approach to eradicate child labour and the essential role of Community Mobilisers 

Venkat Reddy has been working for several decades to achieve the total elimination of child labour in communities and to promote the right of…
Ashraf Uddin Mukut BLF leather industry

Interview – Executive Director of the Bangladesh Labour Foundation, Ashraf Uddin Mukut – ‘We have to keep addressing the issues in the Bangladesh leather industry’

On 14 September 2022, the Together for Decent Leather programme, in which Arisa participates, published a report that reveals severe labour rights risks in…
garmenfactory clothing factory garment workers
Interview – Pakistani garment workers face repression and no trade union freedom: a conversation with three Pakistani workers’ representatives
Rukmini Garment Labour Union India vakbond labour union
Interview with Garment Labour Union (India) president and founder Rukmini – ”Businesses, governments, and consumers have responsibilities towards garment workers” 

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