Natural stone

Arisa is committed to structural improvements in the natural stone sector. Learn more about this sector below.

The extraction of natural stones such as sandstone, granite and marble is often associated with poor working conditions and violations of workers’ and human rights. In quarries in India, child labour occurs, workers are paid very low wages, are subject to debt bondage, and work in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Arisa highlights these major problems and puts them on the agenda of companies and the Dutch and European governments, for example through research into natural stone quarries.     

Many importers of Indian natural stone have no idea of the quarries from which their material is sourced, let alone what the working conditions are in those quarries. Even governments, such as municipalities in the Netherlands and other European countries that buy natural stone for public spaces, are often unaware of the working conditions under which the stone was quarried. Thanks to the work of Arisa, some importers, buyers and municipalities involved in the TruStone initiative are now aware of the problems that prevail in their natural stone supply chain.     

Initiative Trustone is a sector-wide collaboration focused on improving working conditions. The initiative identifies risks, engages with suppliers in producing countries and formulates concrete plans to improve working conditions. As part of the TruStone initiative, Arisa is a source of information and a facilitator of contacts between civil society organisations and trade unions from producer countries and Dutch and Flemish importers.